Marketing today is a complex minefield of stuff! I can improve your marketing R.O.I instantly on your Not-For-Profit Budget!
My proven Not-For-Profit Marketing MaximiserTM tools will change the way you diagnose and deliver your strategy and will instantly improve your marketing outcome!
To determine if you qualify for a FREE 10 minute Triage Strategy Session for your organisation, simply answer YES / NO to the following and chant with me “in the last month I...
- Have felt overwhelmed with work?
- Have more and more budget pressure at work?
- Have been expected to just do more and more?
- Haven’t had any work thinking time at all? Strategy is just a term I read about.
- Haven’t tried anything new in marketing at work?
- Have felt anxious at home with my family because of work pressures and demands?
- Have felt like my focus at work is being eroded because of endless tasks?
- Have felt trapped at work and actually a bit scared my boss wants more from me?
- Have felt that the choice of media channels today is just too great and don’t know what is best for our business?
- Keep hearing all about data but don’t really know how it could help me in marketing?