Have a Vision and a Plan – fit your own mask first!

So many of the Not-For-Profit teams I work with find themselves being pulled from pillar to post because of continuing views on how the organisation should be focusing its energies, often being shared from the membership base, with their own agenda. It becomes very tiring for the team and can often be part of the reason for staff burnout.

One of the things that we quickly uncover when we start to strategise some of the issues, is that the organisation doesn’t have a robust measurable strategic plan, that they can stick to……… But that’s a conversation for another day.

On top of that, the team doesn’t have their own individual plan either.

So to start with, we make sure we understand the simple analogy “fit your own mask first before attempting to help others” !

The attached worksheet starts the conversation and continues on the in flight theme.

On the runway, we need to have a pretty good handle of the main task at hand before we take off. What do we have on the boil this week and what do we have to do to achieve it, who will help us ?

From here we need to get airborn and look toward the next 90 days, so we are up from 10000 feet. Once we start to stabilize we have to start looing forward into the next 12 months. Where do we want to scale to as a professional in the coming year? Finally, to get to the lofty career heights of 30 000 feet, what do I have to do today, to take me on that journey to achieve my 3 year vision.

The point is, you will crash and burn if you never quite get off the runway.

I know this isn’t complex stuff but we need to remind ourselves all the time, of the importance of getting our own plan sorted. Attribution here to my Executive Coach Taki Moore who has helped me focus on what I need to do as I continue to run 4 completely different businesses and stroke that ongoing entrepreneurial spirit that did stay dormant for so many years.

Having worked for large multinational companies in senior marketing roles for over 20 years, I’ve now refit my own mask and have turned my skills to helping NFP marketers…

  • Focus
  • Create more thinking time
  • Cut through the clutter
  • Automate and outsource and ultimately
  • Get more bang for your buck !

This is for the organisation and for you, personally.

In my 6 week on line program, I help you discover and start to unpack, a simple 5 Step Plan that increases your professional worth to your boss, whilst freeing up time for you to plan and execute new ideas for your Not-For-Profit organisation and review your future career prospects. Learning new skills is part of that.

My aim is to help Not-For-Profit Marketers become a Million Dollar Marketer on a NFP budget !

After having helped many hundreds of Not-For-Profit marketers really excel at their work in recent years, this 5 Step plan helps alleviate some of the frustrations and concerns that can shackle us down and to rise above, to think and act like a million dollar commercial marketer.

As a taste, this week, we are giving away a FREE copy of the “5 Step Plan: Become a Million Dollar Marketer, on a Not-For-Profit budget” Blueprint. In it, I break down the exact 5-steps to deploy in your NFP business. Click here to download your free copy www.milliondollarnfpmarketer.com

The attached worksheet is typical of the style of hands on learning we engage in, at these on line workshops.


Fit your own mask first, and you will be able to help others!

If you want all the details of the 6 week program, get the details here https://milliondollarnfpmarketer.com/5-step-program

That’s the first step involved in becoming a Million Dollar Marketer on a Not-For-Profit budget.